Thursday, September 27, 2012

Here's to being poured out

I am a Bible Study leader for junior and senior women at a college in Tennessee. My full time job is a Nanny for two kids 45hrs a week, but my heart is full for these college women. I meet with them in a group setting once a week and we just talk about the Person of Jesus and all the plans he has for us. Then I get to meet with them one on one and actually see those plans being surrendered and struggled with and joyfully brought into each of their lives by the Gospel. It gets pretty dirty - there's crying and there's healing and there are awkward silences that only His Spirit can fill. But oh is there beauty.

But pouring out your life into others, as sweet and rewarding as it is, is EXHAUSTING. And after 10 hours of battling with a 3 year old to obey and listen, it can seem nearly impossible to then go to a Bible study refreshed and prepared. But it's not, because of Christ's strength in me. I am constantly reminded of His perfection in all of my weakness, and that, my friends, is why it works. There is no other reason messy sinners should be able to do this!

So here's to 6 AM wake up times to meet before work and to not getting home till 10 PM on nights we have study because there's just too much to talk about! I can give of myself freely when I remember how much He gave and when I tap into His overflowing strength and love that He shares in His Word.

Staying filled with His goodness to go out and share knowledge of the Giver and not only keep to myself what He's freely given...that's pretty good. So glad He gives me the strength to do just that.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Here's to Love

"Love is love and it doesn’t matter if you say it or not. The words don’t make it real."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here's to the Owls

I'm at Kennesaw State University.
And quite honestly, I have no idea why.
This has been a pretty though struggle for me recently. Above is a boy that I adore and a girl I'd die for. Christian, my boyfriend, and Allie, my roommate and best friend are just two of the fabulous reasons I wake up singing praises to God almost daily.
But recently it's been trying not being in the same state as Christian, and even some days it feels like mine and Allie's rooms are lightyears apart.
These people, my friends at Covenant who consistantly send their love, my family back home who are always an encouragement, and my best friend who's only across campus -- these people are life changing.
Because, to be honest, I can say this is probably the time in my life where I have been most discontented with where the Lord has placed me.
There are quite a few complicated reasons that I could list, but to put it simply - I don't want to be here anymore. I am confused as to why I thought it was the perfect decision last year in March.
So, this post has no answers, only questions, and definite huge THANK YOU to these people whom I love and so consistantly love me.
Without you I would be lost.
For now, I am just living from visit to visit, trip to trip, and not staying satisfied with where I am. It has made me think about Heaven, oddly enough. Nothing like "Oh I'm in Hell, where's heaven at?!"
No, I've been thinking about how frustrating it is to always be looking ahead and be uncomfortable in your current situation.....
Then I think about how this is not our home, here on Earth. And so why should we ever be comfortable here? For those God called and brought into His family as sons and daughters - we have home to look FORWARD to.
And all this time I was feeling guilty.
Okay, so I am really trying to be more content with my situation since I am confident of the Lord's plan for my Earthly life. But I will not, however: become so comfortable and satisfied that I never look forward to my Heavenly home with all of those special people I love, and with my Father.

So, for now, I'm here. I am a fighting owl here at KSU.
And I will be ALL HERE, as my Dad says - until I am somewhere else.

"Wherever you are, be all there."

[small shout out to Joel who posted something today about Heaven and not only reminded me of this truth, but also reminded me that I have a blog too...thanks buddy]


Monday, May 31, 2010

Here's to weddings!

Sarah and Joe got married on May 22nd!

I got to shoot my fourth wedding! And in June I've got two more lined up! This is definitely a step in the direction I'm loving :)

The 22nd was a gorgeous, slightly cloudy day, with a beautiful bride, and an expectant groom. I praise God for bringing them together, and allowing me to capture it on film!!!

Here are some pictures from her sister's wedding last summer!
That was Laura and Kyle.
Praise God :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Here's to Challenges

Here's to the late nights in the darkroom.
The uncomfortable critiques from peers and professor.
Here's to being challenged.
Where does art come from if not out of the uncomfortable?
A huge "Thank You" to Professor Kilpatrick who pushed me way past my comfort zone, then that last shove right off the cliff.
I owe you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here's to Kevlar

We've come a long way, Christian.

From rather awkward friends...

to miles apart and trying our best to stay in touch...

to writing letters by the page-load.... to here - still miles apart - but closer than ever.

What a work of God.

He's healed me. And you. And blessed us with each other after all.

He's taught me how to trust again, and more importantly how to trust in Him.

The fun we have together is nothing like I could have imagined it being. The sacrifices we both make joyfully for one another - also unimaginable till i saw for myself.

Where did He find you for me? How long has he known we'd be making each other so happy today?

Some questions are okay unanswered ;)

Thanks for the times together, calls each day, prayers for us, and the many smiles.

I miss you a lot, but I know you're only a phone call away, or a few hours on the road - and that's quite enough to keep me going.

Phil 1.3
"I thank my God every time I remember you."

yours truly,
Molly Marie

[a friend just asked me in passing: "Describe your ideal man in three words." I imediately wanted to be funny and said "Christian David Jenkins, of course!" then we continued to talk about actual attributes. Just another one of those affirming conversations that keeps me smiling even without you here: saying things that I know would make you laugh even, in your absence. Don't get a big head, now. Just smile for me.]

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The future is terrifying.

Sometimes just thinking about what's ahead makes my stomach weak.
What's out there for me?
What isn't?
How will I even know where to begin?

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord detrmines his steps.
Proverbs 16.9

The places, the things, the people that I love...
Will they always be near me -- will I always be close to what I feel is most comfortable?

...say to those with fearful hearts,
"Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with a vengeance; with divine retribution
he will come and save you."
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
and sorrow and sighing will flee away.
Isaiah 35:4,10b

Whatever the future holds, whether smooth or tough, long or short, near or far -- God will be my comfort and He has promised to go before me and prepare the way.

Though my flesh and my heart may fail, God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Ps 73.26